Wednesday, July 25, 2012


There are people in our lives that we choose to put there, and people who are put there by blood. I am fortunate enough to have two siblings whom I consider two of my best friends (most of the time...haha). 225621_7321202217_1183_n


My sister was there for me on the day both of my children were there. She played roommate & nurse maid while I recovered from both c-sections and Matthew had to work. I couldn't have gotten through those days without her. She adores my children, and I her's. Those two little girls light up my world. While we might not always see eye to eye on EVERYTHING (let's be honest, what two people do??) I know that I could call her any minute of any day and she'd be by my side. Not a lot of people are lucky enough to have someone like this in their lives.

Then there's this guy...

 I simply cannot say enough about him. He is one of my very favorite men in the world. I am so very lucky I get to call him my brother. There isn't a single time in my life I can remember him NOT being there when I needed him. I know that I can tell him ANYTHING and he will listen and respond with sound advice and reassuring words to help me through whatever I'm going through. I am so excited that he is marrying the woman of his dreams in a couple months and I cannot WAIT to have another sister. Cristina is one RIDICULOUSLY lucky lady to have bagged my big brother.

 I am so blessed to have these two people in my life. We have been there for each other through thick and thin and I hope they know just how happy I am that I was chosen to be their baby sister.

Lots to share....

A lot has happened to the Baucom Bunch this year.....
 This precious 5 year old.....

 Became a 6 year old
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This precious newborn.... DSC00886

 Became a 1 year old.
This handsome man.....
 Got his degree.
 And these crazy love birds....
 Bought their first home.

Our life is incredibly amazing and we simply couldn't be happier!