Thursday, April 7, 2011


I'm scared that I won't have enough love to give both of my children...

I'm scared that Abigail will feel left out when the baby gets here...

I'm scared that Baby Boy Baucom will feel he he drew the short straw cause he got here second...

I'm scared that I won't be prepared for his arrival...

I'm scared that I won't be able to handle having two children...

I'm scared that there's not enough of me to fill both of their needs...

I'm scared that Matthew and I will have trouble finding time for us...

I'm scared that the only thing we will have time to talk about once the baby gets here is our children...

I'm scared that something will happen to one of the children that I worked so hard to get here safe and healthy...

I'm scared that something will happen to Matthew, leaving me alone...

Mainly, I'm scared of everything right now.

This goes away, right??


  1. Michelle GreenwoodApril 7, 2011 at 7:53 PM

    I have never thought about not having enough love to give to my kids but I promise you that you do have enough and they will know it as long as you show it. Sure they can get jealous of each other but INCLUDE Abigial when the baby comes and always tell them they are one of your special kids. ;) Yes you will find that you talk about the "kids" when you are alone however you have to just remember that you two were 1st and there would be no "kids" if you didnt have something in common. Make it a point to have "date" night every couple of months by going to a movie or something you both enjoy. It takes a lot of work believe me I know!! But in the end its all so worth it and no one knows what will happen in the future only God so no need to worry. You are a WONDERFUL mother so just keep doing what you are doing.

    If you ever need a babysitter, Im available :)

  2. I can honestly say I have been there. My "scared" time was the night before I was to be induced with Noah (my 2nd). I sat on the side of the tub and cried. Dwayne asked lovingly "what is wrong? This is a time to be happy"...I told him I didn't know if I could do it. I have never heard my husband laugh so hard after saying "don't you think you should have thought about that about 9 months ago"...

    It does go WILL find time for both of them. Noah laughs because the boys are not quite 2 years apart and to say the least I didn't have time to make him a baby book. If anyone asks he says he has "2nd child" syndrome and since his 1st two years are a blur that he obviously was the smarter of the two and I didn't want to make Zack look bad :o) that's my boy!!!

    They will each have their own personality and find their place in your wonderful family. Abigail will do great and although there will be times that she doesn't like her brother..she will ALWAYS love him. My boys tell each other all the time..."I love you but I really don't like you right now".
