Monday, August 13, 2012

Two Years

Dear Nana,

It hardly seems right that it's been two years since we last saw you. Foolishly I thought this would get easier; that I wouldn't miss you as much. I mean, it's been two years. I shouldn't still cry every time I am struck with a memory of you, yet I do. Maybe it's because we had such an amazing relationship, or that I have so many amazing memories of the times we spent together. I just know that not a day goes by that I don't think of you and desperately wish I could pick up the phone and talk to you.

I want to say thank you. Mr. Samuel was one awesome gift you sent us. There's no doubt in my mind that you had everything to do with him being sent to us. He's a precious happy little man; you would adore him. I know you drop by to visit now and then. Samuel is always sure to let me know when you do. Now that he's talking more, he stares off, waves and says, "Nana" over and over. I always make sure to tell him to tell you I love you.

Miss Abigail still talks about you all the time. Randomly she'll tell me how much she misses you and the best thing I can say is, "Me too, baby." She tells Samuel about you a lot. I'm sure he feels like he knows everything about you. Someday she'll understand just how lucky she is to have spent as much time with you as she did.

We were all so lucky we got to have you in our lives. It hardly seems fair to Samuel and your future great-grandbabies that we got to meet you, and they don't. Their lives just won't be the same.

For now, I'll just tell you I love you and miss you more than I could ever imagine possible. Come visit me in my dreams sometime.

I love you,

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


There are people in our lives that we choose to put there, and people who are put there by blood. I am fortunate enough to have two siblings whom I consider two of my best friends (most of the time...haha). 225621_7321202217_1183_n


My sister was there for me on the day both of my children were there. She played roommate & nurse maid while I recovered from both c-sections and Matthew had to work. I couldn't have gotten through those days without her. She adores my children, and I her's. Those two little girls light up my world. While we might not always see eye to eye on EVERYTHING (let's be honest, what two people do??) I know that I could call her any minute of any day and she'd be by my side. Not a lot of people are lucky enough to have someone like this in their lives.

Then there's this guy...

 I simply cannot say enough about him. He is one of my very favorite men in the world. I am so very lucky I get to call him my brother. There isn't a single time in my life I can remember him NOT being there when I needed him. I know that I can tell him ANYTHING and he will listen and respond with sound advice and reassuring words to help me through whatever I'm going through. I am so excited that he is marrying the woman of his dreams in a couple months and I cannot WAIT to have another sister. Cristina is one RIDICULOUSLY lucky lady to have bagged my big brother.

 I am so blessed to have these two people in my life. We have been there for each other through thick and thin and I hope they know just how happy I am that I was chosen to be their baby sister.

Lots to share....

A lot has happened to the Baucom Bunch this year.....
 This precious 5 year old.....

 Became a 6 year old
. 223928_10150875375907218_1824327068_n

This precious newborn.... DSC00886

 Became a 1 year old.
This handsome man.....
 Got his degree.
 And these crazy love birds....
 Bought their first home.

Our life is incredibly amazing and we simply couldn't be happier!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Treasured Photos

It's my goal to get in to writing here more... There are many photos that I love of Abigail's life. Unfortunately, there are far to few pictures of us together. Here are some of my most treasured photos. Treasured because I got out from behind the camera to be with my girl. Holding her for the first time: holding her first time My wedding day: wedding Trips to the Pumpkin Patch: pumpkin patch 1 pumpkin patch 2 Trips we've taken: florida dumbo airplane General Silliness: more keeeeses favorite ever we so crazy And, showing love for her brother before he got here: fav I'm so lucky to have her.